Where Is My Itunes Music Library Stored On My Mac
iCloud backs up neither. See the 'iCloud backups' section in:
Mac photo library management. Either use TM from the old laptop, or MA from the new.As for having two libraries, Photos can normally import an iPhoto database into Photos library. Without information on the files, all I can see are icons, so I cannot tell if there is any content to those libraries.
- Transfer Itunes Music From Pc To Mac
- Where Is My Itunes Music Library Stored On My Mac Account
- Where Is My Itunes Music Library Stored On My Mac Pc
Oppositely, if you are on a Mac, follow the process below. You can do the same steps including finding the media files including songs and other stuff. Step 1: While you are in the Finder, click on Go button on the menu bar. The menu bar is located on the top of your screen. Step 2: Now click on HomeMusiciTunes. Where’s my iTunes content on my Mac? In macOS 10.14 and earlier, iTunes was the app where all your media lived—music, home videos, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and audiobooks. ITunes was the one app for everything, including backing up and syncing your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Download macOS Catalina for an all‑new entertainment experience. Your music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and audiobooks will transfer automatically to the Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Podcasts, and Apple Books apps where you’ll still have access to your favorite iTunes features, including purchases, rentals, and imports.
and actually, neither does iTunes. See the 'iTunes backups' section in the above article.
You can always re-download iTunes & App store purchases directly to your device:
To 're-download' your iTunes music library (including songs you may have downloaded from CDs), you need to resync your device with iTunes on your computer (which is how I assume you got those CDs in the first place):
Even though these items are not part of the backup per se, when you restore a backup from iCloud, one of the steps will ask if you want to download your previous purchases. Likewise, when you restore a backup from iTunes, the last step will resych your music library.
See step 5 in the 'Restore your device from an iCloud backup' section and step 7 in the 'Restore your device from an iTunes backup' section of:
Re-syncing from iTunes is the only way to regain the music you have previously downloaded from CDs.
Jan 4, 2018 11:14 AM
Get to your iTunes Library location
iTunes uses a folder called the iTunes Media folder to organize and store your music, whether it’s songs that you ripped from CDs or items you purchased from the iTunes Store. In this post, you will learn where to find your iTunes library folder and files.
Where does iTunes store music on my computer? How can I locate all my songs on iTunes?
All your songs on iTunes are stored in the iTunes Media folder. And here’s how to locate them.
1) iTunes Library location on Windows:
Windows 7 or later: Open C:Usersyour_usernameMy MusiciTunesiTunes Media.
Windows Vista and XP are not supported by iTunes 12.2 or later. If you’re using either of these two OS, then the locations for the iTunes Media folder are:
Windows XP: Open C:Documents and Settingsyour_usernameMy DocumentsMy MusiciTunesiTunes Media
Windows Vista: Open C:Usersyour_usernameMusiciTunesiTunes Media
A quicker way to locate iTunes music files is to right click on the song, or hover on the song and click on the three-dot button beside it. Then select “Show in Windows Explorer”.
2) iTunes Library location on Mac:
To find the iTunes Media folder on macOS, open Finder, then from the menu bar at the top of your computer screen, choose Go > Home.
Now navigate to Music > iTunes > iTunes Media.
Transfer Itunes Music From Pc To Mac
Or you can right-click on the song, and select “Open in Finder” to open the folder that contains the song.
Note: If you add songs from other folders on your hard drive to iTunes (by choosing “Add to library” from the File menu or by dragging an MP3 file into iTunes), they might not be added to the iTunes Media folder. I find that this option is disabled by default.
To store all of your music files in the iTunes Media folder
Mac: choose iTunes > Preferences > Advanced
Windows: choose Edit > Preferences > Advanced
Where Is My Itunes Music Library Stored On My Mac Account
Now on the Advanced tab, make sure the “Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library” option is checked.
Where Is My Itunes Music Library Stored On My Mac Pc
Dan is a web developer, a digital nomad, and a lifelong Apple fan. At iPhonebyte, his job is to help you get the most out of your iOS and Mac devices. Read the story about him and the website here.