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A Grammar of Data Manipulation

  1. Library Ggthemes Machine
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Dplyr is a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges.

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Mar 31, 2017  An example of an xtable and some graphics in knitr w/LaTeX - knitr-example.Rnw. Jul 14, 2019  She is also affiliated researcher at CED, UAB and Dondena Centre. Her interests include spatial econometrics and modeling, bayesian methods, machine learning processes, forecasting, micro-data simulation, and data visualization. Demo-traveler, Mac enthusiast, R zealot and Rladies member. View all posts by acarioli.

A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects,both in memory and out of memory.



dplyr is a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set ofverbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges:

  • mutate() adds new variables that are functions of existingvariables
  • select() picks variables based on their names.
  • filter() picks cases based on their values.
  • summarise() reduces multiple values down to a single summary.
  • arrange() changes the ordering of the rows.
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These all combine naturally with group_by() which allows you toperform any operation “by group”. You can learn more about them invignette('dplyr'). As well as these single-table verbs, dplyr alsoprovides a variety of two-table verbs, which you can learn about invignette('two-table').

dplyr is designed to abstract over how the data is stored. That means aswell as working with local data frames, you can also work with remotedatabase tables, using exactly the same R code. Install the dbplyrpackage then read vignette('databases', package = 'dbplyr').

If you are new to dplyr, the best place to start is the data importchapter in R for data science.


If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible exampleon github. For questionsand other discussion, please use the manipulatr mailinglist.

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code ofConduct. By participating in this project you agree toabide by its terms.

Functions in dplyr

Name Description
all_varsApply predicate to all variables
computeForce computation of a database query
distinctSelect distinct/unique rows
as.tbl_cubeCoerce an existing data structure into a tbl_cube
arrangeArrange rows by variables
cumallCumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
copy_toCopy a local data frame to a remote src
auto_copyCopy tables to same source, if necessary
filterReturn rows with matching conditions
filter_allFilter within a selection of variables
doDo anything
group_by_allGroup by a selection of variables
check_dbplyrdbplyr compatibility functions
coalesceFind first non-missing element
backend_dbplyrDatabase and SQL generics.
explainExplain details of a tbl
bindEfficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
all_equalFlexible equality comparison for data frames
failwithFail with specified value.
add_rownamesConvert row names to an explicit variable.
case_whenA general vectorised if
group_by_preparePrepare for grouping.
group_indicesGroup id.
joinJoin two tbls together
identFlag a character vector as SQL identifiers
nThe number of observations in the current group.
locationPrint the location in memory of a data frame
lead-lagLead and lag.
descDescending order
n_distinctEfficiently count the number of unique values in a set of vector
dim_descDescribing dimensions
idCompute a unique numeric id for each unique row in a data frame.
join.tbl_dfJoin data frame tbls
order_byA helper function for ordering window function output
na_ifConvert values to NA
band_membersBand membership
funsCreate a list of functions calls.
bench_compareEvaluate, compare, benchmark operations of a set of srcs.
recodeRecode values
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
group_sizeCalculate group sizes.
progress_estimatedProgress bar with estimated time.
betweenDo values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
nasaNASA spatio-temporal data
group_byGroup by one or more variables
tally_Deprecated SE versions of main verbs.
select_allSelect and rename a selection of variables
selectSelect/rename variables by name
sampleSample n rows from a table
nearCompare two numeric vectors
if_elseVectorised if
nthExtract the first, last or nth value from a vector
init_loggingEnable internal logging
src_dbiSource for database backends
rowwiseGroup input by rows
src_localA local source.
scopedOperate on a selection of variables
dplyr-packagedplyr: a grammar of data manipulation
summarise_allSummarise and mutate multiple columns.
summarise_eachSummarise and mutate multiple columns.
same_srcFigure out if two sources are the same (or two tbl have the same source)
dr_dplyrDr Dplyr checks your installation for common problems.
top_nSelect top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
tbl_varsList variables provided by a tbl.
select_varsSelect variables
grouped_dfA grouped data frame.
stormsStorm tracks data
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
src_tblsList all tbls provided by a source.
varsSelect variables
starwarsStarwars characters
summariseReduces multiple values down to a single value
with_orderRun a function with one order, translating result back to original order
tallyCount/tally observations by group
tblCreate a table from a data source
tbl_cubeA data cube tbl
tbl_dfCreate a data frame tbl.
groupsReturn grouping variables
make_tblCreate a 'tbl' object
mutateAdd new variables
pullPull out a single variable
rankingWindowed rank functions.
setopsSet operations
sliceSelect rows by position
sqlSQL escaping.
srcCreate a 'src' object
common_byExtract out common by variables
arrange_allArrange rows by a selection of variables
as.table.tbl_cubeCoerce a tbl_cube to other data structures
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LicenseMIT + file LICENSE
LinkingToBH (>= 1.58.0-1), bindrcpp (>=, plogr (>=0.1.10), Rcpp (>= 0.12.15)
Packaged2018-11-09 21:23:40 UTC; kirill
Date/Publication2018-11-10 07:30:02 UTC
imports assertthat (>= 0.2.0) , bindrcpp (>= , glue (>= 1.1.1) , magrittr (>= 1.5) , methods , pkgconfig (>= 2.0.1) , R6 (>= 2.2.2) , Rcpp (>= 0.12.19) , rlang (>= 0.3.0) , tibble (>= 1.4.2) , tidyselect (>= 0.2.3) , utils
linkingto BH (>= 1.58.0-1) , plogr (>= 0.1.10)
suggests bit64 (>= 0.9.7) , callr , covr (>= 3.0.1) , DBI (>= 0.7.14) , dbplyr (>= 1.2.0) , dtplyr (>= 0.0.2) , ggplot2 (>= 2.2.1) , hms (>= 0.4.1) , knitr (>= 1.19) , Lahman (>= 3.0-1) , lubridate , MASS , mgcv (>= 1.8.23) , microbenchmark (>= 1.4.4) , nycflights13 (>= 0.2.2) , rmarkdown (>= 1.8) , RMySQL (>= 0.10.13) , RPostgreSQL (>= 0.6.2) , RSQLite (>= 2.0) , testthat (>= 2.0.0) , withr (>= 2.1.1)
depends R (>= 3.1.2)
ContributorsKirill Muller, Romain Francois, RStudio, Lionel Henry

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